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Reply To: Calculated variable pointers preventing logging to SD

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Calculated variable pointers preventing logging to SD Reply To: Calculated variable pointers preventing logging to SD

James B

    Awesome I’ll head over there. I made huge progress with the XBee LTEM. Have it working with just the reset jumper wire. I added a line to one of the .H files where the APN is set to hologram and also setupXbee() that sets the carrier profile to Verizon (not sure which one helped) and commented out some of the conditions from the example sketch that deal with battery voltage. That seemed to jumpstart everything and it stopped hanging after the network registration. The next issue I’m seeing is failed MQTT status -4 for thingspeak publishing. I’m not sure what that stands for so I have some more troubleshooting to do tonight. I hope I see a dot on a graph soon!