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Reply To: XBee Networks of Mayfly Loggers – 900Mhz

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger XBee Networks of Mayfly Loggers – 900Mhz Reply To: XBee Networks of Mayfly Loggers – 900Mhz


    The end nodes are set to pin-sleep mode so that the Mayfly wakes them when it’s time to send data. So the Mayfly just drives a pin low (Xbee modules sleep when pin high, and wake when pin low) to wake the module, send it a line of serial text at 9600bd, and the Xbee transmits that line to the coordinator (who’s always awake), and then the Mayfly puts the Xbee back to sleep

    Would you be willing to share the code that drives the Xbee pin to low (or high)?

    Thank you