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Reply To: Cannot connect to internet for clock sync with NIST

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Cannot connect to internet for clock sync with NIST Reply To: Cannot connect to internet for clock sync with NIST


    I heard back from Digi tech support and heard the same. I cant use the Mayfly as the middle man, Digi’s own dev board is another $70…is it expected that anyone who wants to use an XBee to also pick up a $70 protoboard to troubleshoot?

    Hmmm, thats a good point about the modem not being totally spent, ill verify that it still spits out that info later tonight. It would be nice if it wasn’t completely gone.
    Interesting about the lights, maybe thats a good thing and all is acting as it should.

    But, what about the lack of internet connection? If there is the potential that the lights are acting as they should, and the modem may be just fine, what else would inhibit the internet connection? Supposedly, I am surrounded by a sea of LTE coverage, so that shouldn’t be a problem.

    Short of spending another $70 for a protoboard to diagnose the modem, any other thoughts to get this modem alive? Ill go camp at my local coffee shop if you think it’d help.
