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Reply To: Bringing in serial data through UART on 20-Pin connector

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Bringing in serial data through UART on 20-Pin connector Reply To: Bringing in serial data through UART on 20-Pin connector

Kurt Rosenberger


    OK, I have data coming in, and can print to serial to see the output on serial monitor. Now I’m having a lot of difficulty declaring the new variables in my sketch in order to log the data using the LoggerBase, and I think it might be how the author of the GPS C++ code that I’m using set up the structures and classes in the header file. I honestly know very little about C, I’ve mostly use Matlab, so some of this seems familiar, but not familiar enough. I’d rather not mess with the GPS code, as it is currently working for me, but if I have to, some expert advice would help. Attached is my current sketch, and the GPS code I’m using. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
