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Reply To: EnviroDIY Building Workshop, May 13-14, 2020

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger EnviroDIY Building Workshop, May 13-14, 2020 Reply To: EnviroDIY Building Workshop, May 13-14, 2020

Dave Bressler

    Hi @vegansam!  We have not scheduled another one of these workshops yet.  This was a pilot of sorts (our first full monitoring station build workshop, as well as it being online).  You can check the Stroud Center events page (https://stroudcenter.org/events/) from time to time to see about new workshops that we’re offering.  If you want to email me (Dave Bressler, dbressler@stroudcenter.org) I can put you on an informal sign-up list and I can notify you if/when we do another workshop like this.  Thanks!