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Reply To: Logging Mayfly with Decagon SDI-12 Sensor

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Logging Mayfly with Decagon SDI-12 Sensor Reply To: Logging Mayfly with Decagon SDI-12 Sensor


    Hi Sara,

    I am having issues when I come to this step and can use a little help troubleshooting my issue. I cannot get my sensor to connect to an address. I have an SDI-12 sensor with bare wires connected to grove 4-pin terminal adapter set up just as you explained in the instructions. All of the connections seem secure, but when I run the b_address_change sketch, it continuously runs through every slot saying “vacant” and gives the message “No sensor connected. Check physical connection.”

    I am not sure what the issue could be and was wondering if you may have any ideas.

