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Reply To: MayFly Capability with Northern Widget Walrus Sensor

Home Forums Environmental Sensors MayFly Capability with Northern Widget Walrus Sensor Reply To: MayFly Capability with Northern Widget Walrus Sensor

Sara Damiano

    <!–more–>Yeah, so 99.99% of what I’ve said on this thread can be completely disregarded. Obviously the sensor and firmware work just fine and there never was any problem with them.  The biggest problem was my understanding of the problem.

    If everything is perfect except the 3m cable, then it’s just the 3m length that is the problem. It’s apparently too far for I2C at 3.3V.  Signal doesn’t travel forever over real wires. Larger voltage differences can help signals to travel farther. An Uno or other 5V Arduino has an extra 1.7V range the Mayfly doesn’t have. The operating voltage of the Mayfly cannot be changed.