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Reply To: Mayfly Drivers May Not Have Auto Installed

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Mayfly Drivers May Not Have Auto Installed Reply To: Mayfly Drivers May Not Have Auto Installed

Sara Damiano

    You need the VCP (virtual com port) drivers.  Scroll down just a little bit on the center of the page I linked and you should see a chart of operating systems and processor architectures.  Pick the one that matches your system.  If you’re running Windows and your computer isn’t terribly old, you probably have “x64 (64-bit)”.  If you’re not sure, instructions for checking are here:  https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/32-bit-and-64-bit-windows-frequently-asked-questions-c6ca9541-8dce-4d48-0415-94a3faa2e13d

    I think many macs have the FTDI drivers pre-installed.