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Reply To: XBee and Hologram LTE: issues connecting to internet

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger XBee and Hologram LTE: issues connecting to internet Reply To: XBee and Hologram LTE: issues connecting to internet

Sara Damiano

    To use those commands exactly, you need to switch to bypass mode.

    But, the proper equivalent of almost all of those commands area already being used anyway, so you don’t need to change much at all.

    They are setting the profile to 1 just like I suggested (that’s the UMNOPROF).  Other than making that change, I think the only thing you need to add is setting the bands (at+ubandmask=0,134217732 in their example).  In the first-run sketch, right below setting the network technology (line 123), add the digi equivalent for setting the band mask:
