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Reply To: Case for Lower Threshold Voltage on Mayfly Stations

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Case for Lower Threshold Voltage on Mayfly Stations Reply To: Case for Lower Threshold Voltage on Mayfly Stations

Sara Damiano

    I’m confused by your tests and your results.  The purpose of having the voltage threshold for data upload is to conserve power for the sensors so that data will still be *collected* as long as possible, even if that data isn’t reported online.  Of course, decreasing the minimum threshold for powering the modem will increase the amount of time that the station will report data online after being charged.  But it should *decrease* the overall time that the station can collect data – which is what I would call the run time.  I would prioritize collecting data to the SD card well above reporting that data online.  If you have a station with no solar charging, I would not recommend installing a modem at all.

    Also, the reason that value is in the main program (rather than buried somewhere in the library) is so that it’s easy and obvious for the user to adjust it to their needs.  Not everyone uses a 3.7V LiPo.