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Reply To: Testing power consumption

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Testing power consumption Reply To: Testing power consumption

Matt Barney

    @shicks The previous thread about I2C power that I’m aware of was when I learned that the jumper on the I2C grove port needs to remain in the constantly-powered position, otherwise the Wire library crashes, at least with certain sensors, including the Turner.

    I *think* my Mayfly is sleeping: All LEDs switch off, if that means anything. If I connect to USB for serial output (all other testing has been lipo-powered, with no USB connection) and turn on debugging in LoggerBase.h, the traces indicate that it sleeps at the end of sampling:

    On the external ADC: Yes, I used it to accommodate the 5v max from the Turner. I was thinking that this would be more accurate than using a 2/3 voltage divider to drop 5V to ~3.3V. But it sounds like you’re suggesting a 1/1 divider that would simply halve the output voltage, which you would then double in code. FYI, I’m using differential signaling to sense the Turner’s output, to hopefully make it less susceptible to noise.

    @neilh10 Note that the Turner is powered by switched 3V3 from the D10-11 Grove connector, so it should be getting powered off during sleep. Also, since the ADC is powered by 5V, the Turner’s 0-5V outputs will be within Vdd+0.3V.
