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Reply To: HYDROS 21 no longer vented… any idea when this changed?

Home Forums Environmental Sensors HYDROS 21 no longer vented… any idea when this changed? Reply To: HYDROS 21 no longer vented… any idea when this changed?

Shannon Hicks

    Yes, the pressure transducer on the Gen 2 sensors seems to be temperature compensated just like it was on the Gen 1 sensor.  They also use the temperature sensor for calculating the specific conductivity readings.  I wasn’t going to mention that I have one since they sent it to me ahead of release for testing so we could make sure our Modular Sensors library was fully compatible with the new generation (it is).  But another user posted a few weeks ago that they received a Gen 2 sensor recently, so I guess it’s not a secret anymore.  I don’t know when they’ll be released and available for purchase, lots of industries are experiencing delays in production and manufacturing right now, including EnviroDIY, so putting delivery dates on anything these days is difficult.