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Reply To: Modular Sensors wifi connection on university (or similar) network

Home Forums Miscellaneous Modular Sensors wifi connection on university (or similar) network Reply To: Modular Sensors wifi connection on university (or similar) network


    I know my local Sonoma State University is against devices connecting to the network. They even gone as far as removing all  ethernet sockets. As part of the local engineering capstone project using LoRa the students went off campus for testing, as the LoRa gateway needed to connect to a WiFi network

    The simple answer for WiFi is what Sara described.

    Because of the wider security concerns for IP based systems, there is a whole lot of technical initiatives  to manage admittance to larger local networks – so security is likely to get more proscribed.

    Just an FYI, even if you got WiFi connecting, I’m still having reliability issues with the Modular Sensors S6B WiFi interface. https://github.com/EnviroDIY/ModularSensors/issues/347