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Reply To: Using Xbee Cellular Modem with ThingSpeak

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Using Xbee Cellular Modem with ThingSpeak Reply To: Using Xbee Cellular Modem with ThingSpeak


    @zeke-holloman do you want to send me the thingspeak details on my email neilh20@wLLw.net and I’ll try them in my setting.  I have a historical thingspeak account which has exceeded its free quota, so I can’t create more devices.

    The hologram account should work with the Xbee LTE ( I have an XB3-CA2-UT-001) if setup, and I started with hologram.  If it works for getting time, should work for any other connection.  If you post the trace can see if its getting good response .

    @vogelrnws  gosh sounds interesting, especially as you are logging the readings. I couldn’t see the python files – could you provide a link.