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Reply To: Mayfly not writing to SD card = possibly a libraries issue?

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Mayfly not writing to SD card = possibly a libraries issue? Reply To: Mayfly not writing to SD card = possibly a libraries issue?


    Sara captures all the libs specified as part of the release procedure https://github.com/EnviroDIY/ModularSensors/releases/tag/v0.30.0 look for ModularSensors_Dependencies_v0.30.0.zip

    I’ve not had any issue with 0.30.0.. The tests are heavily utilizing the SD for reliable web delivery, storing them to uSD, before a POST.
    I do a build from scratch including pulling all the libs when I do a release.

    Building 210831_1234
    Dependency Graph

    |– <EnviroDIY_ModularSensors> 0.30.0+sha.bc3dd0e
    | |– <EnableInterrupt> 1.1.0
    | |– <SdFat> 2.0.7
    | | |– <SPI> 1.0
    | |– <TinyGSM> 0.11.4