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Reply To: How Do I Order The New Mayfly Monitor from Shop

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger How Do I Order The New Mayfly Monitor from Shop Reply To: How Do I Order The New Mayfly Monitor from Shop


    Always a lot of work getting a new revision out and running compatibility tests. I’ve admired the way
    Paul Stoffregen of PRJC created a fishbowl for the releases, one I remember with the Teensy had a process of managing/advertising the release and being clear about it being in beta https://forum.pjrc.com/threads/27689-Teensy-LC-Beta-Testing

    (and sarad) I wonder if that would work to help?. I’m sure some people don’t want to touch it until the kinks are ironed out, and others happy to volunteer to be on the cutting edge (hopefully not too much of a bleeding edge).
    Of course, with a fish bowl, and keen interest in the hardware, its always nice to see the list of tasks to be completed before releasing, and how far through them, and then don’t have to ask every two weeks how its going 🙂