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Reply To: Mayfly not writing to SD card = possibly a libraries issue?

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Mayfly not writing to SD card = possibly a libraries issue? Reply To: Mayfly not writing to SD card = possibly a libraries issue?


    I am experiencing a similar issue that may be related, although without the RTC issue…

    • Built with Modular sensors v0.30.0
    • Data is saved to SD card when connected to computer via cable. RTC time is correct (or close enough)
    • If I disconnect the board from the computer it fails to wake up or log any data to the SD card
    • Battery voltage is sufficient (3.88 V, tested with multimeter)
    • One of my boards was operating fine using a previous sketch and prior version of modular sensor dependencies, so I don’t think its a hardware issue. I am experiencing the exact same problem on 6 boards.

    I’ve included my sketch below (UUIDs and Tokens have been scrubbed). I have seen sketch examples (DRWI_LTE.ino) where the wake pin is set to 31, whereas I have it set to A7. Perhaps this is the issue? If anyone has any thoughts or suggestions for troubleshooting please let me know.

