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Reply To: USB to UART Mayfly, Serial Ports Not Connecting

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger USB to UART Mayfly, Serial Ports Not Connecting Reply To: USB to UART Mayfly, Serial Ports Not Connecting

Matt Barney

    When I connected my first v1 Mayfly last week, my laptop (Win10) didn’t recognize it. I manually installed the VCP drivers for CP210x from SiLabs, and then it worked. Uploaded code (using PlatformIO) to the board, and all was well. I set it aside for the weekend, and today I can’t get Windows to recognize the Mayfly. Windows Device Manager’s list of COM ports never updates when I power up the connected Mayfly board. I tried reinstalling the drivers from SiLabs (first their “CP210x Universal Windows Driver”, then tried “CP210x Windows”), and I rebooted. Also tried a different USB port. Still no joy. Any ideas?
