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Reply To: Mayfly 1.1 Bootloader Burning?

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Mayfly 1.1 Bootloader Burning? Reply To: Mayfly 1.1 Bootloader Burning?


    Hi @khaase I haven’t figured out what the source of the reset is, as the AVR1284 Arduino code discards it – very frustrating.

    I have used low ESR capacitors – something like Digikey 732-9079-1-ND CAP ALUM 680UF 20% 10V THRU HOLE LOW ESR

    Whenever I have longer wires, a power switch, or current measurement, with the LiIon battery, I get some resets. I’ve also standardized on using 4400mAh LiIon battery.

    My EC circuit has low dynamic power demand.  Are you looking to add larger dynamic power demand with radios?  The LiSoCL2  has a relative high impedance,

    Managing power demand is challenging, not taking too much power when its not available. Using Vbat to estimate power is tricky. Vbat measurement is noisy and is referenced to the Vcc, and is only theoretically  accurate when Vcc=3.3V . So the LiSoCl2 3.6V is pretty close to the design limits of the regulators (though far improved than the Mayfly 0.5 regulators)