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Reply To: Negative Voltage Reading from Single-ended ADC Using Apogee SP-212-SS Sensor

Home Forums Environmental Sensors Negative Voltage Reading from Single-ended ADC Using Apogee SP-212-SS Sensor Reply To: Negative Voltage Reading from Single-ended ADC Using Apogee SP-212-SS Sensor


    Okay sounds good. I was also wondering, Shannon, if you might be able to help me out with something. I’m looking to attach a suite of sensors to the Mayfly that have a mixture of analog outputs and digital outputs. I’m worried that I won’t be able to get all the sensors I need with this data logger. Is this something I could talk through with you? I can do a separate forum post, or I could correspond over email. Either way, I would just like your input on how to best approach the situation. The main things I’m looking at are not having enough ADC pins and using Modbus with the Mayfly. If you can help that’d be great! I’d love to use the Mayfly for the environmental sensing stations I am setting up with the Utah Water Research Laboratory.