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Reply To: esp32-bee-wifi-bluetooth

Home Forums Infrastructure and Equipment esp32-bee-wifi-bluetooth Reply To: esp32-bee-wifi-bluetooth


    Thanks for the update with cct – (at least sorry if I didn’t see it the first pass).
    Thanks for the reference to the sketch. I tried running the sketch, and I just couldn’t get it to compile – 3hrs trying – sometime I just admit defeat and move on. So I used it as an example with another sketch that I have running and got it working.

    So super exciting to be able to think of running it at 115Kbaud –

    Just wondering, have you tested it for 115K baud – no problem if you haven’t just checking.
    I seem to have problems initializing it to work here is the output with the flags


    [2023-06-26 19:30:19.865] —Boot() Sw Build: a\src\logging_to_MMW.cpp Jun 26 2023 19:29:02 b’neilh20′

    [2023-06-26 19:30:19.880] Modem WiFi ESP32 TinyGSM Library version 0.11.5
    [2023-06-26 19:30:19.880] Using ModularSensors Library version 0.34.1-baa

    [2023-06-26 19:30:19.880] ModemESP32 init default 115200

    [2023-06-26 19:30:21.133] Powering unspecified modem with pin 18 <–LoggerModem
    [2023-06-26 19:30:21.149] Initializing pin 0 for modem status LED with starting value 0 <–LoggerModem
    [2023-06-26 19:30:21.149] AT
    [2023-06-26 19:30:21.306] AT
    [2023-06-26 19:30:21.447] AT
    [2023-06-26 19:30:22.636] AT
    [2023-06-26 19:30:22.639] AT
    [2023-06-26 19:30:22.639] Tested AT command and got no response meaning unspecified modem is probably asleep <–EspressifESP8266
    [2023-06-26 19:30:22.639] Running wake function for unspecified modem <–EspressifESP8266
    [2023-06-26 19:30:22.639] modemWakeFxn1 18 -1 <–EspressifESP8266
    [2023-06-26 19:30:22.639] Waiting for boot-up message from ESP8266 <–EspressifESP8266
    [2023-06-26 19:30:22.639]
    [2023-06-26 19:30:22.639] Waiting up to 700 ms for unspecified modem to respond to AT commands…
    [2023-06-26 19:30:22.639] AT
    [2023-06-26 19:30:22.639] AT
    [2023-06-26 19:30:22.854] AT
    [2023-06-26 19:30:23.152] AT
    [2023-06-26 19:30:23.470] No response to AT commands!
    [2023-06-26 19:30:23.470] Attempting a hard reset on the modem! 1
    [2023-06-26 19:30:23.470] No pin has been provided to reset the modem! <–LoggerModem
    [2023-06-26 19:30:23.482] modemHardReset failed!
    [2023-06-26 19:30:23.482] Setting up the modem … <–LoggerModem
    [2023-06-26 19:30:23.482] AT
    [2023-06-26 19:30:23.623] AT
    [2023-06-26 19:30:23.782] AT
    [2023-06-26 19:30:23.938] AT
    [2023-06-26 19:30:24.080] AT
    [2023-06-26 19:30:24.237] Tested AT command and got no response meaning unspecified modem is probably asleep <–EspressifESP8266
    [2023-06-26 19:30:24.252] Waking up the modem for setup … <–LoggerModem
    [2023-06-26 19:30:24.252] AT
    [2023-06-26 19:30:24.394] AT
    [2023-06-26 19:30:24.550] AT
    [2023-06-26 19:30:24.708] AT
    [2023-06-26 19:30:24.864] AT
    [2023-06-26 19:30:25.022] Tested AT command and got no response meaning unspecified modem is probably asleep <–EspressifESP8266
    [2023-06-26 19:30:25.022] Running wake function for unspecified modem <–EspressifESP8266
    [2023-06-26 19:30:25.037] modemWakeFxn1 18 -1 <–EspressifESP8266
    [2023-06-26 19:30:25.037] Waiting for boot-up message from ESP8266 <–EspressifESP8266
    [2023-06-26 19:30:26.230] Wake function for unspecified modem did not run as expected! <–EspressifESP8266
    [2023-06-26 19:30:26.246]
    [2023-06-26 19:30:26.246] Waiting up to 700 ms for unspecified modem to respond to AT commands…
    [2023-06-26 19:30:26.246] AT
    [2023-06-26 19:30:26.544] AT
    [2023-06-26 19:30:26.858] AT
    [2023-06-26 19:30:27.156] AT
    [2023-06-26 19:30:27.470] No response to AT commands!
    [2023-06-26 19:30:27.470] Attempting a hard reset on the modem! 1
    [2023-06-26 19:30:27.479] No pin has been provided to reset the modem! <–LoggerModem
    [2023-06-26 19:30:27.479] modemHardReset failed!
    [2023-06-26 19:30:27.479] AT
    [2023-06-26 19:30:27.779] AT
    [2023-06-26 19:30:28.082] AT
    [2023-06-26 19:30:28.381] AT
    [2023-06-26 19:30:28.695] AT
    [2023-06-26 19:30:28.992] AT
    [2023-06-26 19:30:29.291] AT
    [2023-06-26 19:30:29.479] WATCHDOG ISR barksUntilReset 51 <–WatchDogAVR
    [2023-06-26 19:30:29.604] AT
    [2023-06-26 19:30:29.903] AT
    [2023-06-26 19:30:30.201] AT
    [2023-06-26 19:30:30.515] AT
    [2023-06-26 19:30:30.813] AT
    [2023-06-26 19:30:31.127] AT
    [2023-06-26 19:30:31.425] AT
    [2023-06-26 19:30:31.738] AT
    [2023-06-26 19:30:32.031] AT
    [2023-06-26 19:30:32.345] AT
    [2023-06-26 19:30:32.643] AT
    [2023-06-26 19:30:32.942] AT
    [2023-06-26 19:30:33.256] AT
    [2023-06-26 19:30:33.555] AT
    [2023-06-26 19:30:33.868] AT
    [2023-06-26 19:30:34.166] AT
    [2023-06-26 19:30:34.465] AT
    [2023-06-26 19:30:34.778] AT
    [2023-06-26 19:30:35.077] AT
    [2023-06-26 19:30:35.375] AT
    [2023-06-26 19:30:35.689] AT
    [2023-06-26 19:30:35.999] AT
    [2023-06-26 19:30:36.301] AT
    [2023-06-26 19:30:36.602] AT
    [2023-06-26 19:30:36.901] AT
    [2023-06-26 19:30:37.214] AT
    [2023-06-26 19:30:37.512] unspecified modem failed to wake!
    [2023-06-26 19:30:37.512] … unspecified modem did not wake up and cannot be set up! <–LoggerModem
    [2023-06-26 19:30:37.528] unspecified modem warms up in 0 ms, indicates status in 350 ms, is responsive to AT commands in less than 700 ms, and takes up to 500 ms to close connections and shut down. <–LoggerModem
    [2023-06-26 19:30:37.544] Because the modem was asleep prior to setup, putting it back to sleep now. <–LoggerModem
    [2023-06-26 19:30:37.559] Putting unspecified modem to sleep. <–LoggerModem
    [2023-06-26 19:30:37.559] AT
    [2023-06-26 19:30:37.703] AT
    [2023-06-26 19:30:37.842] WATCHDOG ISR barksUntilReset 50 <–WatchDogAVR
    [2023-06-26 19:30:37.858] AT
    [2023-06-26 19:30:38.015] AT
    [2023-06-26 19:30:38.156] AT
    [2023-06-26 19:30:38.313] Tested AT command and got no response meaning unspecified modem is probably asleep <–EspressifESP8266
    [2023-06-26 19:30:38.344] unspecified modem is already off! Will not run sleep function. <–LoggerModem
    [2023-06-26 19:30:38.344] unspecified modem failed to wake!
    [2023-06-26 19:30:38.344] ModemESP32 init 9600 pass 5
    [2023-06-26 19:30:38.344] AT+UART_DEF=9600,8,1,0,0
    [2023-06-26 19:30:39.349] AT
    [2023-06-26 19:30:39.364] AT
    [2023-06-26 19:30:39.364]
    [2023-06-26 19:30:39.380] ERROR
    [2023-06-26 19:30:39.443] AT
    [2023-06-26 19:30:39.458] AT
    [2023-06-26 19:30:39.474]
    [2023-06-26 19:30:39.474] OK
    [2023-06-26 19:30:39.474] Tested AT command and got OK meaning unspecified modem must be awake <–EspressifESP8266
    [2023-06-26 19:30:39.490] unspecified modem was already on! Will not run wake function. <–EspressifESP8266
    [2023-06-26 19:30:39.490]
    [2023-06-26 19:30:39.490] Waiting up to 700 ms for unspecified modem to respond to AT commands…
    [2023-06-26 19:30:39.508] AT
    [2023-06-26 19:30:39.508] AT
    [2023-06-26 19:30:39.521]
    [2023-06-26 19:30:39.521] OK
    [2023-06-26 19:30:39.537] … AT OK after 45 milliseconds! <–EspressifESP8266
    [2023-06-26 19:30:39.537] AT
    [2023-06-26 19:30:39.553] AT
    [2023-06-26 19:30:39.568]
    [2023-06-26 19:30:39.568] OK
    [2023-06-26 19:30:39.568] ATE0
    [2023-06-26 19:30:39.599] ATE0
    [2023-06-26 19:30:39.616]
    [2023-06-26 19:30:39.616] OK
    [2023-06-26 19:30:39.616] AT+CIPMUX=1
    [2023-06-26 19:30:39.647]
    [2023-06-26 19:30:39.662] OK
    [2023-06-26 19:30:39.662] AT+CWMODE=1
    [2023-06-26 19:30:39.710]
    [2023-06-26 19:30:39.710] OK
    [2023-06-26 19:30:39.725] unspecified modem should be awake and ready to go. <–EspressifESP8266
    [2023-06-26 19:30:39.725] Setting up sensors…
    [2023-06-26 19:30:40.730] Synchronize the RTC with NIST
    [2023-06-26 19:30:40.730] Attempting to connect to the internet and synchronize RTC with NIST
    [2023-06-26 19:30:40.730] This may take up to two minutes!
    [2023-06-26 19:30:40.746] AT
    [2023-06-26 19:30:40.746] WIFI CONNECTED
    [2023-06-26 19:30:40.777] WIFI GOT IP
    [2023-06-26 19:30:40.811]
    [2023-06-26 19:30:40.811] OK
    [2023-06-26 19:30:40.824] Tested AT command and got OK meaning unspecified modem must be awake <–EspressifESP8266
    [2023-06-26 19:30:40.824] unspecified modem was already on! Will not run wake function. <–EspressifESP8266
    [2023-06-26 19:30:40.840]
    [2023-06-26 19:30:40.840] Waiting up to 700 ms for unspecified modem to respond to AT commands…
    [2023-06-26 19:30:40.840] AT
    [2023-06-26 19:30:40.856]
    [2023-06-26 19:30:40.856] OK
    [2023-06-26 19:30:40.871] … AT OK after 37 milliseconds! <–EspressifESP8266
    [2023-06-26 19:30:40.871] AT
    [2023-06-26 19:30:40.887]
    [2023-06-26 19:30:40.887] OK
    [2023-06-26 19:30:40.902] ATE0
    [2023-06-26 19:30:40.918]
    [2023-06-26 19:30:40.918] OK
    [2023-06-26 19:30:40.934] AT+CIPMUX=1
    [2023-06-26 19:30:40.965]
    [2023-06-26 19:30:40.965] OK
    [2023-06-26 19:30:40.981] AT+CWMODE=1
    [2023-06-26 19:30:40.997]
    [2023-06-26 19:30:41.013] OK
    [2023-06-26 19:30:41.013] unspecified modem should be awake and ready to go. <–EspressifESP8266
    [2023-06-26 19:30:41.028] … Watchdog low barksUntilReset 50 expected 52
    [2023-06-26 19:30:41.028] AT
    [2023-06-26 19:30:41.044]
    [2023-06-26 19:30:41.044] OK
    [2023-06-26 19:30:41.060] Tested AT command and got OK meaning unspecified modem must be awake <–EspressifESP8266
    [2023-06-26 19:30:41.060] Modem was already awake and should be ready. <–EspressifESP8266
    [2023-06-26 19:30:41.060]
    [2023-06-26 19:30:41.060] Attempting to connect to WiFi network… <–EspressifESP8266
    [2023-06-26 19:30:41.075] AT+CIPSTATUS
    [2023-06-26 19:30:41.091] STATUS:2
    [2023-06-26 19:30:41.122]
    [2023-06-26 19:30:41.122] OK
    [2023-06-26 19:30:41.138] … WiFi connected after 75 milliseconds! <–EspressifESP8266
    [2023-06-26 19:30:41.138] Connected to internet for RTC sync with NIST
    [2023-06-26 19:30:41.138] PLO postLog file DBG2306.log res len 13 <–LoggerBase
    [2023-06-26 19:30:41.154] logPLO err opening DBG2306.log
    [2023-06-26 19:30:41.154] postLogLine can’t open file
    [2023-06-26 19:30:41.154] AT+CIPSTATUS
    [2023-06-26 19:30:41.185] STATUS:2
    [2023-06-26 19:30:41.212]
    [2023-06-26 19:30:41.217] OK
    [2023-06-26 19:30:41.217]
    [2023-06-26 19:30:41.217] Connecting to NIST daytime Server <–EspressifESP8266
    [2023-06-26 19:30:41.217] AT+CIPCLOSE=0
    [2023-06-26 19:30:41.248]
    [2023-06-26 19:30:41.264] ERROR
    [2023-06-26 19:30:41.279] AT+CIPSTART=0,”TCP”,”time.nist.gov”,37,120
    [2023-06-26 19:30:44.638] 0,CONNECT
    [2023-06-26 19:30:44.670]
    [2023-06-26 19:30:44.670] OK
    [2023-06-26 19:30:44.779] AT+CIPSTATUS
    [2023-06-26 19:30:44.811] STATUS:3
    [2023-06-26 19:30:44.842] +CIPSTATUS:0,”TCP”,”″,37,59547,0
    [2023-06-26 19:30:44.858]
    [2023-06-26 19:30:44.874] OK
    [2023-06-26 19:30:44.983]
    [2023-06-26 19:30:44.983] +IPD,0,4:èDÈU
    [2023-06-26 19:30:44.999] 0,CLOSED
    [2023-06-26 19:30:49.221] AT+CIPSTATUS
    [2023-06-26 19:30:49.253] STATUS:4
    [2023-06-26 19:30:49.268]
    [2023-06-26 19:30:49.284] OK
    [2023-06-26 19:30:49.284] NIST Time server did not respond! <–EspressifESP8266
    [2023-06-26 19:30:49.284] AT+CIPSTATUS
    [2023-06-26 19:30:49.315] STATUS:4
    [2023-06-26 19:30:49.347]
    [2023-06-26 19:30:49.347] OK
    [2023-06-26 19:30:49.362]
    [2023-06-26 19:30:49.362] Connecting to NIST daytime Server <–EspressifESP8266
    [2023-06-26 19:30:49.362] AT+CIPCLOSE=0
    [2023-06-26 19:30:49.394]
    [2023-06-26 19:30:49.394] ERROR
    [2023-06-26 19:30:49.409] AT+CIPSTART=0,”TCP”,”time.nist.gov”,37,120
    [2023-06-26 19:30:49.519] WATCHDOG ISR barksUntilReset 51 <–WatchDogAVR
    [2023-06-26 19:30:49.535] 0,CONNECT
    [2023-06-26 19:30:49.567]
    [2023-06-26 19:30:49.567] OK
    [2023-06-26 19:30:49.598]
    [2023-06-26 19:30:49.598] +IPD,0,4:èDÈZ
    [2023-06-26 19:30:49.613] 0,CLOSED
    [2023-06-26 19:30:49.692] NIST responded after 107 ms <–EspressifESP8266
    [2023-06-26 19:30:49.692] AT+CIPSTATUS
    [2023-06-26 19:30:49.723] STATUS:4
    [2023-06-26 19:30:49.755]
    [2023-06-26 19:30:49.755] OK
    [2023-06-26 19:30:49.771] NIST Response <–LoggerModem
    [2023-06-26 19:30:49.771] Response Byte 0 : è = 232 = 11101000 <–LoggerModem
    [2023-06-26 19:30:49.771] Response Byte 1 : D = 68 = 1000100 <–LoggerModem
    [2023-06-26 19:30:49.771] Response Byte 2 : È = 200 = 11001000 <–LoggerModem
    [2023-06-26 19:30:49.771] Response Byte 3 : Z = 90 = 1011010 <–LoggerModem
    [2023-06-26 19:30:49.786] Seconds from Jan 1, 1900 returned by NIST (UTC): 3896821850 = 11101000010001001100100001011010 <–LoggerModem
    [2023-06-26 19:30:49.802] Unix Timestamp returned by NIST (UTC): 1687833050 <–LoggerModem [2023-06-26 19:30:49.802] Time for Logger supplied by NIST: 1687804250 -> 2023-06-26T18:30:50-08:00 <–LoggerBase [2023-06-26 19:30:49.802] Current Time on RTC: 1687804249 -> 2023-06-26T18:30:49-08:00 <–LoggerBase
    [2023-06-26 19:30:49.817] Offset between NIST and RTC: 1 <–LoggerBase
    [2023-06-26 19:30:49.817] Internal Clock within 5 seconds of NIST.