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Reply To: New Xbee Modem: XB3-C-GM1-UT-001

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger New Xbee Modem: XB3-C-GM1-UT-001 Reply To: New Xbee Modem: XB3-C-GM1-UT-001


    Oh interesting, Thanks for sharing,   Sounds like it connected some of the time, showing that it was possible to connect.  I’ve found there are four source of failure – setup to cell tower,  TCP/IP setup, POST ack,   MMW timeout,

    I found this  hardware data sheet – but it turns out there is a GM1 and GM2 – GM1 is the low power. I wonder which one you got?. https://mm.digikey.com/Volume0/opasdata/d220001/medias/docus/6378/XB3-C-GM2-UT-001.pdf

    SUPPLY VOLTAGE 3.3 – 4.3 VDC
    AVG TRANSMIT CURRENT (LTE-M) 1.25 A peak, 410 mA average (GM2 modules), 450 mA peak, 200 mA average (GM1 modules)

    I was just wondering is the Mayfly 1.1 likely to handle the GM2 peak? though peaks are always a difficult number, as it should specify somewhere the capacitor (or pulse width) needed to handle that peak.

    The XB3-C-A2-UT the data sheet .

    SUPPLY VOLTAGE Standard Version: 3.3-4.3VDC;
    PEAK TRANSMIT CURRENT Standard Version: 550mA;

    For the low power (GM1) version of fw,


    and found this User Guide (I had to feed a few dragons tasty data on the way there)  https://www.digi.com/resources/documentation/digidocs/PDFs/90002420.pdf


    I have had this recent email for a survey on Digikey,  (pasted below, hope it comes out ~ feel free to click on what you think)


    Thank you for taking the time to participate in this survey.

    Ron Konezny
    President & CEO
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    <td>Somewhat unfavorable</td>
    <td>Very unfavorable</td>