Wanted to share my most recent attempt at a customized Arduino based (Mega2560) data logger board. I’ve used a Silicon Labs CP2104 USB interface and also contains: -DS3231 RTC with Battery B/U -uSD Card -4MB MRAM (SPI interface) – 3 Serial Port Headers (3.3V/5V) **I left Serial dedicated to the USB, but Serial1, 2, and 3 are avail. -3.3V/5V I2C headers -3.3V/5V SPI headers All digital...[Read More]
I recently designed a board that incorporates digital pressure, temperature, and dewpoint sensors I’ve called the PTU board. I deal with weather balloon tracking systems and the information sent back from the radiosondes is usually called PTU data (Pressure, Temperature, and Humidity). I’ve written 2 new Arduino libraries for the pressure and temp and reused an existing library for the...[Read More]
Just for something completely different: DIY Christmas! While we’re using Arduinos and sensors to monitor the natural world, other people are using them to make awesome choreographed Christmas light displays. I have to admit, my husband got sucked in by GE’s iTwinkle Christmas Tree and thinks it’s pretty cool that he can control the color of its lights via Bluetooth. But we just have nothing...[Read More]
We have been using submersible pressure transducers for water level measurements for many years, but some of our installations are in areas with very shallow water that might freeze during the winter. Most pressure transducers will be damaged if they are in water that freezes, so we’ve been experimenting with an ultrasonic rangefinder that will allow us to measure the water level from above...[Read More]
If you are new to Arduino and are wondering what you need to buy to get started with making your own datalogger, things have just gotten a lot easier.
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