This document outlines what you will need to build a Continuous Temperature Logger with the EnviroDIY Mayfly Data Logger. This is a great EnviroDIY starter project and utilizes the Mayfly Data Logger and a OneWire Temperature Sensor.
Adam Gold from the University of North Carolina Institute of Marine Sciences explains how the unique characteristics of coastal streams influenced his monitoring station design.
A low-cost electrical conductivity sensor using the Mayfly platform was developed in part to support efforts to study the effects of stormwater runoff into Great Marsh in Chester County, Pennsylvania.
Real-time monitoring and Web-based tools help to strengthen the measure-validate-disseminate links in the Internet of Water chain.
I’m a scientist with a limited amount of coding background and an even more limited understanding of electrical engineering, and EnviroDIY Modular Sensors on GitHub has made Arduino framework environmental monitoring possible for me. This blog post will point you to a tutorial that is intended to get end-users like me doing Arduino framework environmental monitoring like a pro. The Arduino Revolut...[Read More]
Stroud Water Research Center recently unveiled a comprehensive manual for building, programming, deploying, and maintaining an EnviroDIY Monitoring Station.