Welcome to EnviroDIY, a community for do-it-yourself environmental science and monitoring. EnviroDIY is part of WikiWatershed, an initiative of Stroud Water Research Center designed to help people advance knowledge and stewardship of fresh water.
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Learn EnviroDIY With Us!

Stroud Water Research Center is offering a two-day, in-person workshop to introduce EnviroDIY technologies, including the Mayfly Data Logger.

Learn Do-It-Yourself Electronics for Environmental Monitoring

This workshop will help you learn the skills necessary to assemble, program, and deploy a water monitoring station, but with the understanding that the DIY journey has just begun!

How a Nascent Internet of Water Gave Rise to the State-of-the-Science in Sensor Data Sharing

Data producers willing to share their data are the foundation of the Internet of Water, but first and foremost, that data must serve the needs of the data producer.

The Wide, Wide World of DIY (and DIT)

DIY is in many cases a misnomer; in reality, we Do-It-Together: bringing people together to develop and share environmental monitoring and measurement systems.

Evaluating Maxbotix Ultrasonic Sensors for Monitoring Stream Base Flow

We evaluated the positives and negatives of using Maxbotix MB7389 ultrasonic sensors for monitoring baseflow stream levels.

Virtual Do-It-Together Workshop Helps Citizen Scientists Get Monitoring Faster

This was the first workshop of its kind in which attendees were guided through the entire process of assembling, programming, and installing an EnviroDIY monitoring station from start to finish.

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