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Error on Mayfly schematic? ADS1015

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Error on Mayfly schematic? ADS1015

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    • #16114
      Matt Barney

        FYI, I noticed that the v1 schematic, in the Auxiliary ADC section, labels the chip ADS1015 12-bit; elsewhere the specs indicate that it’s a 16-bit ADS1115.

      • #16115
        Shannon Hicks

          It’s not really an error, it’s just an artifact of the Eagle Cad schematic component since the original part in my library was for the ADS1015/1115, since both parts share the same footprint and schematic shape, but there’s no way to easily change the name displayed without editing the device.  I had to manually update that on previous Mayfly version schematics but when I redesigned the board for the Mayfly 1.0, I grabbed the original Eagle library component and didn’t update the label for the schematic.  Rest assured that the board was assembled with the ADS1115, I’ll update the online images accordingly.  In the future, issues like this are best reported on Github at https://github.com/EnviroDIY/EnviroDIY_Mayfly_Logger/issues

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