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Gaps in my data

Home Forums Monitor My Watershed Gaps in my data

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    • #18647

        We set this Mayfly up in 2022 and have had relatively no issue with it but now as I look at the website it shows gaps in my data. I checked everything out in person and there seems to be no is

      • #18648
        Shannon Hicks
          No, the Mayfly datalogger doesn’t know if any data is missing from the website, it just tries to send it every 5, 10, or 15 minutes (or whatever interval it is programmed for).  If the data doe
        • #18657
            @tumayflybearriver – thanks for brining it up.  Its nuts, but  looks to me like the signature of  “thrown away data” by  ModularSensors software that runs on the Mayfly, and the
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