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How to save sketches

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger How to save sketches

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    • #15122
      Cheryl Nolan

        I have uploaded the temperature, now and adjust sketches to my data logger a couple of times now. If I disconnect the board from the USB port of my computer it seems I lose them. I haven’t turned the board off, just unplugged the USB cord. Is this suppose to happen? I’ve been following along on the second workshop YouTube video and had to stop because I am waiting for my cellular card and the screw terminal stereo jack adapter to arrive so I can hook up my CTD sensor. Thoughts?


      • #15124
        Sara Damiano

          Do you have a coin battery in the slot?  Could that battery be dead?  If you don’t have a battery in the coin slot or if it’s dead, then the clock will reset to Jan 1, 2000 every time the board is unplugged from the computer or battery

        • #15125
          Cheryl Nolan

            Yes, I do and it’s inserted print side up. I guess it’s possible the battery is dead, although it’s new.  I also just saw that the day and date are not changing. I last set it on Tuesday and left it plugged in and turned on and when I hit the Serial Monitor it’s still showing Tuesday 2/9/2021. Is that also a sign the battery is dead?

            CORRECTION: Day and date are not changing. Time is changing.

          • #15126
            Sara Damiano

              If it’s not going back to 2000, your battery is ok.

              Is the board still running the “now” or “adjust” sketch?  If so, every time the board re-starts, it will reset to whatever time you told it in that program.

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