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MMW last-reported observation not updating after site update

Home Forums Monitor My Watershed MMW last-reported observation not updating after site update

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    • #17725

        It seems that coincident with the v0.15 that happened on April 12 2023, the timestamps that are listed for “Last observation” below each sparkline plot my MMW site stopped updating (example site: https://monitormywatershed.org/sites/FLUPSY/). All the Last Observation timestamps are frozen at 6:30AM (UTC-8:00, west coast), which I’m guess is around when the update was put into place, since I had to reset my password shortly after this. However, it looks like the sparkline plot itself is still showing updated data past 6:30AM, and the Time Series Visualization plots do show recently updated data for the rest of the day. Is there a known bug with the Last Observation timestamps not updating as a result of the migration to v0.15?

        The attached image shows the stuck timestamp, but the data line for battery voltage is representative of the signal I would have expected on this very cloudy April 12 leading into evening time as I write this.

      • #17732
        Scott Ensign

          @millerlp: are you seeing current data now? We are aware of the issue but it should be resolved now. If you are still seeing issues can you report them to help@monitormywatershed.org?

        • #17735

            Thanks Scott, it looks like the last observation function has been kickstarted, and everything appears to be behaving as intended. Much appreciated.

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