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Purchased wrong solar panel?

Home Forums Mayfly Data Logger Purchased wrong solar panel?

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    • #18972
      Elliot Ma


        I bought the 6V 2 W ETFE solar panels from Voltaic to replace some 6 V 2 W solar panels we lost for our Hydros 21 setup. When I got them in the mail, I realized they were about half the size of the previous solar panels. I can’t tell from the specifications if they’re a sufficient replacement, would they provide enough power to power the Mayfly + Hydros 21? Or should I return these and buy 6 V 5W ETFE solar panels directly from Voltaic?



      • #18975
        Shannon Hicks

          If your station is in an open location that gets several hours of direct sunlight every day, then a 2W panel is probably sufficient if you have a cellular modem on your station.  The 2W panel is definitely sufficient if it’s just a Hyrdos21 sensor and no telemetry.  But if your station is under tree canopy or is mostly shaded, the P105 model 5W panel is larger better at generating more current with less light.  You can buy them either directly from Voltaic Systems, or from Adafruit, since they also sell the exact same 5W panel (https://www.adafruit.com/product/5367).

        • #18979
          Elliot Ma

            Hi Shannon,

            Thanks for the quick reply. Since we’re installing these stations right at the edge of the salt marsh/forest, I think we’ll have sufficient light to power the modem + Hydros 21.

            Appreciate it,


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