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Registering a new site on MMW

Home Forums Monitor My Watershed Registering a new site on MMW

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    • #17995

        I seem to be having issues with registering a new site on MMW where it is giving me this error: Server Error (500)

        I tried on three different devices and three different browsers.

        Is anyone else having this issue?

        Thank you.

      • #17996

          I saw this as well. Though it turns out the site was created  .


          I hoped the issue had gone away, so  I closed it after a few weeks..

          I’ll re-open it with a reference to this conversation. I guess its a benefit in tracking bugs. If/when the project gets a burst of energy/focus (or $) then they all get examined.

        • #17997

            My sites didn’t get registered though. Can anyone else register a site to see if the error pops up?


          • #17998

              @nick I just tried – and it worked for me with 4 sensors. https://monitormywatershed.org/sites/nh_test230803/

              Perhaps you could try starting from the beginning. Nothing bad should happen creating sites.

            • #17999

                @neilh20 I attached a screenshot of what I am entering to register a site. Am I missing something that is causing me this error?

                I’m wondering if the account itself is the problem?


              • #18001

                  @nick – I tried https://monitormywatershed.org/sites/TWItest/  and it doesn’t exist

                  What is valuable for your “error report” is the error that is occurring when you submit to MMW. That would be the screen shot you need.

                  Perhaps there is some field that needs to be filled in that is missing

                  I usually use a naming convention, as it has to be unique among all the sites, and I’m likely to be entering a number of sites

                  so could be nick_test_twi01  or

                  <organization or unique identifier><stream or function><local code>

                  So I go to https://monitormywatershed.org/ and check that I’m logged in – top right

                  Click “My Sites” – top left, then “register A New Site”

                  So I’m trying  “nh_test_twi01”

                  enter details, select map and then under Notes “Test site to be deleted”

                  then enter ~ and its created it for me




                • #18006

                    @nick Apparently try it with out clicking the “notify option” –


                    not clear if the bug fix has gone live, or will be fixed on the next pass

                  • #18358

                      I tried registering a new site yesterday and today with no luck.

                      I also just paid for a subscription so that would be out of the way.

                      Any suggestions for registering a new site?


                    • #18360
                      Heather Brooks

                        @brianjastram, thanks for reporting this issue and providing the screenshot. I’ve pinged the LimnoTech team on GitHub so they can take a look.

                      • #18362
                        Heather Brooks

                          @brianjastram, thanks to quick action from the LimnoTech team, a fix has been deployed. You should now see a required “Deploy site for” dropdown field to choose from for your new site.

                          • #18365

                              @heather, I can confirm the fix is working and add a kudos for the swift fix implementation from LimnoTech. Thanks!

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