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SDI-12 library support

Home Forums Environmental Sensors SDI-12 library support

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    • #12660

        I am using the SDI-12 Arduino library which was created by this group and can be found here for reference. I got it working with an Arduino UNO without any issues. However, I need to use it with an Arduino Teensy which it does not currently support. I am curious if anyone has integrated a Teensy with it it before? If not is anyone interested in working with me to help support it in the library? Thanks!

      • #12661
        Sara Damiano

          I’m not familiar with the Teensy at all, but based on my <5 minutes of google research:

          – They’re ARM Cortex-M4 boards – totally different processor style
          – But the core libraries support the same attachInterrupt() routine that I use to support interrupts on the SAMD boards – good – you can just copy the SAMD interrupt includes
          – google isn’t telling me how timers work on the teensy – bad – In order to do a better job of reading the (slow) sdi-12 communication without wasting a huge (relative to processor speed) amount of time delaying in the the interrupt routines, I’ve re-written the library to check what time bits changed based on the processor timers. To get it to work on the teensy, you’d need to figure out how the timers work on the teensy and then write out the correct timer-checking information into the sdi12_boards file

          Unless you have a 2.0, then it’s basically a Leonardo and should work fine.

          Unfortunately, I don’t have any time at all to help you with this. I might be able to glance at pull requests or give you quick guidance on how the timers are integrated, but I can’t do much more than that.

        • #12662

            hi @frbiggs I’ve used the teensy – but it comes in a number of flavors.
            Checkout https://github.com/duff2013/SDI12_T3
            IHMO the Teensy3.5 also has +5V tolerant pins.
            The Teensy3.5 and 3.6 processors have some nice ram. https://blog.adafruit.com/2016/10/06/new-products-teensy-3-5-teensy-3-6/

            Can you say what your context is – are you looking to use ModularSensors which also has a lot of infrastructure support.

          • #12663
            Sara Damiano

              ModularSensors doesn’t support the teensy at all and it’s very unlikely that I’ll ever be able write in the support for it there. Your have to switch to an AVR or SAMD based board to use it.

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