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SDI-12 sensors wake-up time after powering up

Home Forums Environmental Sensors SDI-12 sensors wake-up time after powering up


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    • #17711


        does anyone know what is maximum time that some SDI-12 sensors need to initialize to be able to communicate with data logger after powering up?

        In SDI-12 specification, there is plenty of information on timing, but I guess it assumes sensors have power supply already connected and I have’t found info on power supply timing (meaning if I turn on power supply for SDI-12 sensor, how long can it take for sluggish sensor to be able to communicate properly). If there is no specification for this, what would be some “rule of thumb”?

        Thank you for your help.

      • #17712
        Sara Damiano


          • #17714

              Where did you get that value, Sara? Can you explain it little bit? Is that somewhere in SDI-12 specification? In spec, there is written that sensor have to wake up from low power standby mode within 100 ms after detecting break. But that is regarding data line and I think says nothing about 12V power supply line.

          • #17715
            Sara Damiano

              Oh, your right, that’s from the break. I’m not sure about the power line.

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