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Hello, the sun is low here at 48 N and we need to run an extension pole for our solar panel.
Can anyone recommend what type or where I can find a ~15′ extension for the solar panel wire? Or just what the connectors are called so I can do some searching? And if using that length it’ll still deliver adequate power/charging to the mayfly?
If you’re talking about the external solar panels that we ship with the EnviroDIY Monitoring Station Kit, they are made by Voltaic Systems, and they offer a variety of extension cables for placing the panel further from the logger. The connector is a basic 3.5×1.1 mm barrel jack, but it has a unique waterproof design that is better for outdoor use than standard barrel jack/plug combos. We’ve used the 4-foot and 10-foot extensions before with good results. You can find their extension cables here: https://voltaicsystems.com/connectors-extensions/