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Systems not recognized from 12th( v0.15.0?)

Home Forums Monitor My Watershed Systems not recognized from 12th( v0.15.0?)

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    • #17738

        Just wondering if anybody seeing MMW not showing systems

        There is one station working fine, over cellnet https://monitormywatershed.org/sites/TUCA-Na13/

        And three systems not reporting

        https://monitormywatershed.org/sites/TUCA_Sa01/ last update <span class=”last-observation”>April 12, 2023, 5 a.m. (UTC-08:00)</span>

        https://monitormywatershed.org/sites/TUCA_PO03/ last update at <span class=”last-observation”>April 12, 2023, 5:45 a.m. (UTC-08:00)</span>

        https://monitormywatershed.org/sites/nh_LCC45/ last update at <span class=”last-observation”>April 12, 2023, 6:30 a.m. (UTC-08:00)</span>

        I’m away from my office/test systems to be able to do a check with other systems and see the POST response from MMW.


      • #17740
        Heather Brooks

          Thanks for reporting. I’ve verified that your sites are still not updating and notified the Monitor My Watershed development team. I’ll let you know when I hear back.

        • #17741
          Anthony Aufdenkampe

            @neilh20, We just looked at the database and the server logs and found the following.
            Only 5 sampling features stopped reporting new data on April 12.

            • TUCA_PO03
            • nh_LCC45
            • TIMU01
            • TUCA_Sa01
            • DEADFALL_ELC-6

            These stations have not attempted to post anything in the last 30 minutes.  We’ll keep looking.

            Our guess is that the issue is originating from these stations, not from a bug on our servers.

            We are indeed confused why they stopped reporting the same morning that we issued the release. That said, many of these stopped reporting a couple of hours BEFORE we switched the production servers, which according to our logging happened from 10:34 to 10:38 ET  ( = 7:34 to 7:38 PT).

          • #17742

              Thanks for looking into it.

              I’m in the UK for my Uncle who had a stroke, and I took off very quickly from California,  and not likely to get back before the end of May after his funeral. I haven’t brought any tools to see what the response are from the server.

              It seems very unlikely that 5 systems would all stop transmitting by themselves. My three systems, for power saving, only transmit every two hours, and then they transmit 8 readings with 1second pacing between readings. So they would typically  attempted to transmit  2hours after the  last readings all successfully received. However if the server only responded with a 201 to the first of the  8 and then no response to the other 7- then technically in wall time terms they could be trying 3hrs 45min later.


              I have seen blocking issues that have come up in the past, and wonder what could cause them




            • #17767

                I  wonder if there has been further insight.?

                It seems a real challenge to phrase how to have real world reliability. It seems to be such a hard concept to discuss and define how to get there. Its a standard Computer Engineering problem, and it typically requires a commitment to make it happen, and a reference model to test the implementation.

              • #17823

                  Well, I’m back at my desk, with a Mayfly and powered it up, and I’m posting to

                  Host: monitormywatershed.org

                  and getting

                  — Response Code — 301 waited  326 mS Timeout 8000

                  If I change it to

                  Host: data.envirodiy.org

                  — Response Code — 201 waited  577 mS Timeout 8000

                  From   https://github.com/ODM2/ODM2DataSharingPortal/issues/542

                  aufdenkampe commented on Dec 20, 2021

                  so, the main host URL that you should be using on devices is monitormywatershed.org. For a couple of years now, data.enviroDIY.org is just a DNS alias that will get redirected to monitormywatershed.org, even for POST requests from devices.

                  However it seems I got out on the “bleeding edge”  because somehow

                  const char* EnviroDIYPublisher::enviroDIYHost       = “data.envirodiy.org”;

                  Also seems discussed here


                  @heather @srgdamiano – just wondering where the source of truth is for this URL. ?

                • #17852

                    Thanks to @ptomasula for fixing https://github.com/ODM2/ODM2DataSharingPortal/issues/658

                    If I understand it right, the internal redirection for  POST to MonitorMyWatershed.org/api/data-stream/ HTTP/1.1 got broken with the upgrade to v0.15.0, and a http response of 301 was returned, which ModularSensors doesn’t handle. Of course its not a good idea for ModularSensors to handle a redireciton, as its expensive in power.

                    Given the failure, and that my fork has built in reliability  https://github.com/neilh10/ModularSensors/wiki/1a-Feature-notes I’ve been monitoring the responses from 4 systems and characterizing the server after the upgrade.

                    I’m afraid the server seems to have degraded after this upgrade, I wonder if anybody else is seeing different results after the upgrade.?

                    I’ve put my results here https://github.com/ODM2/ODM2DataSharingPortal/issues/661

                    A previous reference is here https://github.com/ODM2/ODM2DataSharingPortal/issues/552

                    I’m happy to run this against a staging server if available.

                  • #18172

                      Seems like this might have broken, and I’ve created an issue https://github.com/ODM2/ODM2DataSharingPortal/issues/682

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