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Using Modular Sensors for METER Teros 12

Home Forums Environmental Sensors Using Modular Sensors for METER Teros 12

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    • #17902

        Is there a way to use the modular sensors library for METER Teros 12 sensors on the Mayfly 1.1? I’ve noticed that there is an option for the Teros 11, but not for the 12. Can the MeterTeros11.cpp file be modified to capture the electrical conductivity that the 12 measures but the 11 doesn’t? I’ve thought about just using the SDI12Sensors files to make the sensor object and variable object, but I’m not sure if that is a very efficient way. What is the best way to go about this? Thanks!

      • #17927

          @srgdamiano would you know how to best approach this?

        • #17929
          Sara Damiano

            I think the bests solution would be to create a new “module” (h/cpp) for the Teros 12.

          • #17931

              Okay, sorry I am not very software savvy (especially when it comes to C++). Would you suggest just copying and pasting the Teros 11 sensor files and then just adjusting the copy to handle the Teros 12? I’m not very confident in my abilities to make a new module that captures everything correctly.

            • #17933

                @srgdamiano I made a header and cpp file for the Teros 12 by copying the 11 files and adjusting them. When I try to use it, the outputs recorded to my SD card are all -9999 values, and the column headers for the variables are never added (but it will add the headers for the other variables besides the Teros). I get the same problem when I use the MeterTeros11 file, which I figured should still give me some results as it looks like it will just dump whatever is leftover in the data retrieval past the VWC counts and the temperature in the MeterTeros11.cpp file. Maybe I am using these objects incorrectly? Here is what I have for using the Teros11 class (the Teros sensors are at the bottom of my sensor objects):


              • #17975

                  @srgdamiano could I get your help with these h/cpp files I created for the Teros 12 sensors? I am having some issues with my sensors not getting values other than -9999 when I have multiple Teros 12 sensors connected. When I use the Teros 11 modules, they all record together, which leads me to believe I set up my h/cpp files wrong. Could I get your help on this? Here is my cpp file to start:


                • #17981
                  Sara Damiano

                    I’m sorry I haven’t responded yet. I’ll try to look into this tomorrow.

                    • #17982

                        No worries! I also just wanted to let you know that I have run into similar issues using the Teros 11 files where it won’t record all of the measurements.

                      • #17987

                          @srgdamiano were you able to look at the cpp code?

                      • #18036

                          @srgdamiano Sorry to bother you on this, but I still need help understanding the issues I’ve had with the Teros library.

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