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Water Monitoring from a Drone

Home Forums Infrastructure and Equipment Water Monitoring from a Drone

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    • #13853

        I recently pasted a Particle Electron based water sensor on the back of a drone that enabled the testing of water temperature and Specific Conductance from the air. See: https://github.com/colemanjj/Spudnik-07/blob/Drone/README.md

        The drone based sensors are a reduced set of sensors that were implemented for our “Spudnik” unit and described at: https://github.com/colemanjj/Spudnik-07/blob/master/README.md

      • #13854
        Sara Damiano

          Interesting.  Why did you chose the particle?  Have they worked well for you?  I got a few particle boards to tinker with but I haven’t actually even gotten as far as plugging them in.

        • #13858

            Thanks for asking,

            After trying several simpler WiFi and cellular boards with only moderate success for about a year, I moved over to the Particle platform.  With generic ESP8266, adafruit feathers and FONO-feathers I found it hard to get things working dependably.  I found cellular communication particularly difficult. I still use some of the other platforms for WiFi but for cellular I find the Particle Electron to be well integrated into a web interface for programming and for monitoring the processor, has good documentation and has code and code examples that mostly work first time. It also has a simple interface for programming the processor over the air. That is particularly important to me because my units are mostly located in difficult to access locations. All those nice things having been said, they are a little expensive and the Electron seems to be only available as a “kit” that contains several things I don’t need.


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